21 November 2012

You Think You Know But You Have No Idea

It’s funny (and at times really irritating) when people just say things out of the blue. If they’re sharing random events that happened to them, I can take those. No problem at all. What I’m talking about would be the random “advices” (sometimes they’d even quote someone who’s already dead) that people just blow off without even knowing what’s happening. They don’t bother to think if what they’re about to say is appropriate for the situation.

Taming one’s tongue is a skill that should be mastered but it definitely is the hardest. I say things out of proportion and more often than not, I make matters worse. Me and my stupid mouth. But at least I know when to actually SHUT UP and just nod or lend an ear. I don’t sermon or quote sayings when it wasn’t asked from me.

You just don’t act like you’re a master in living the perfect life when you, yourself are screwed up. You JUST DON’T DO THAT. You don’t go rambling on words that you don’t even know what really means. If you’re taking literally the things that should be taken metaphorically, then you need to just STOP.

You’re not making people feel better. You’re doing the total opposite.

I had a reason why I refuse to linger around your existence. I had a reason why I choose not to endure the petty lies and the endless, stupid dramas. I had a reason why I no longer ask what’s wrong. I had a reason why I put my walls so high around me for you. I had a reason why we’re no longer the same people that we were.

And you know that reason very, very well.

So go ahead and preach your sayings TO YOURSELF. Don’t think that I can’t see how you’re trying to convince yourself of the things you’re saying to others.


**I know that me writing this is drama enough but yes, I have to let this out. Hopefully, this’ll be the last entry I’ll right about this person. Yes, I’m a wuss for blogging this instead of saying it to that person’s face. (Good thing IT doesn’t have tumblr. wahaha) Yes, I’m trying to get attention from people. LOL. HAPPY FRIDAY!**

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