20 November 2012

Sometimes, It Happens


God forbid, but they DO happen. ALL THE TIME. To different people, different countries, different situations. And..


It's hard, really. 

For most of us, we take love not too seriously but serious enough to actually get hurt when bad things happen in a certain relationship. We find people who we learn to love more than any other and we somehow find ourselves unconsciously doing things that we normally don't do for others. We go extra miles for them, we actually sacrifice a bit for them. Heck, we even let them be a part of our life (introduce them to friends, family, etc.).

Reasons for break-ups, they vary. 

*Your attitudes clash—BIG TIME.

*Third parties that just don't disappear.

*The 'fire' burns out—IT HAPPENS.

*The family doesn't accept either of you. For some people, this IS an issue.

*Religion. Sadly.

*Money matters.

*And pretty much a lot of other things.

So what happens when you are at that certain point wherein you know you have to end the relationship?

There are considerations, actually.

Some would hesitate because they've been together for so long and the other person has been a BIG part of their lives. Or others would hesitate because they might not find another human being that they would actually love in the same manner. Others would even be afraid to not have anybody else, at all. Others just don't have the courage to say what they have to say all because they are not the type to hurt others. Some are just too selfish to let go of the person because they benefit a lot from him/her. Many considerations, true. But no matter which angle you look at it from, all of them would be wrong—one way or another.

It is never wrong to let go of a loved one if there is actually no LOVE left to feel for that person. Sure, that person might get hurt if you break the news but, it's better to hurt them earlier than to tell them when it's too late, when they'd be hurt more.

Love is a complex thing. There is no assurance if it's gonna last for a lifetime. That is always up to the both of you to make it work. Love is a two-way street. Give and take. It will never work if only one of you wants it to. And when you know both of you have given it your all and it still isn't working, then that's the time you let go. It's not an act of cowardice, it's a noble act. It's sparing you and your partner a life of torture together. 

Never hold on to something that doesn't want to be held. Never push yourself to someone who pushes you away. Never stick with somebody who doesn't appreciate nor listen to you. If you do, you're heading for a more painful reality. Don't. You can do better.

A couple of nights ago, I was watching a Filipino movie that I'm sure we all could relate to, One More Chance. And that movie practically spoke to us the same message I am trying to relay now. It was also said there that sometimes, you have to break-up in order to grow up. It's gonna hurt, sure. But when you're ready, when you've learned, then all the pain would be worthwhile, hopefully.

But what if you never find your way back to each other?

It's OK. It means you weren't really made for each other. And if not for breaking up with them, you won't be a better person. Don't feel bad, don't regret anything. Smile because you were given a chance to have that person in your life. Sure, you might have lots of bad memories about that person. But I'll bet my life on it, you had better ones, too. And those are the things that you should remember. 

Exe's are hard-earned lessons, that's the reality of it all. I am sure you are a hard-earned lesson for your exe's, as well.

You might be hurting from a present or past relationship as of this moment. And my words could mean nothing, too. But always keep in mind that the world is big, despite the phrase "small world". Never hesitate to let one person go if you know both of you aren't growing together. Let go. It just might be the best thing you could do for the both of you. Never mind the hurt, never mind the bitterness that comes after. All of those will pass. Learn to leave something for yourself. You owe yourself that.

Remember, if you could give your best to someone who doesn't appreciate it, I'm sure you could do better to that someone who deserves it. 

God bless, people. :) Advanced Happy Holidays! :)

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