20 November 2012


We, humans, have this bad habit of falling deep into a 'depressed' state. We all admittedly, at one way or another, have developed a sense of 'self-pity'. The ever infamous line goes something like: "I am all alone in this world and nobody loves me when all I wanted was just for people to accept me for who I am." 

Now, there is clearly nothing wrong with thinking that. As I've said, and I bet all of you would agree, that we are all but humans. Sometimes, we are not capable of just adapting to random situations. There are times we feel like laughing, crying, getting angry or even just plain giving up. We get disappointed, excited, thrilled, scared and sometimes, we just feel indifferent. IT HAPPENS. We all have our different moments, but somehow one and the same.

I have heard too many people say too many times that they just want to be understood. They just want to be loved. And I have been one of them. But what is the real problem behind those statements? What actually causes us to think that way in the first place? 

It was said that you just need to BE YOURSELF, and people should accept you for who and what you are----flaws and all. And that's encouraging, IF YOU ARE A LIVING SAINT. 

But let's rationalize things. 

Imagine that you are one of the 'famous' people. You have it all: looks, riches, brains and the bubbly attitude to go with it. People ADORE your every move and every word. They almost fall to your feet just for you to notice them. FINE. They, in  a way, want to be just like you. But let's say you have flaws in your life that people don't know of. For example, you are a KLEPTOMANIAC. But since you are living up to a certain reputation, being THE role model and all, you CANNOT show to others that you ARE a kleptomniac, after all; for fear that they wouldn't love you anymore once they find out. The dilemma now is: How do you deal with that? Sooner or later, at the least unexpected time, you would eventually do something that would send out signals that you aren't so perfect after all. So what do you do? Do you actually RISK letting people on your little secret? Or would you MODIFY your behavior? Work out on being selfish and IMPROVE, to be the role model people take you for? 

See, things are always easier said than done, aren't they? I would honestly choose the latter. IMPROVE and live up to the role. I bet most of us would do that, yes. Because I believe that you wouldn't jeopardize your whole REPUTATION just for a single, measly flaw such as being selfish, would you? 

But that's the thing with us, humans. WE DON'T SEE THAT.  

Sometimes we get too caught up with our own evil selves, that we tend to forget that we are also capable of changing ourselves and for the BETTER.

"Why won't people take me for who I am?" Simple. Maybe because YOU don't deserve their love and sympathy. Harsh, but let's face the reality. People change----including YOU. And just because the people around you changed doesn't mean YOU didn't. What if they just changed because you did it first? Or that you overdid it? Or that it IS actually for the benefit of all of you?

"Why won't people understand me?" Maybe because you don't exert effort to understand them in return. You keep on thinking that they are the offender. But what about your offenses against them? You can't really be shallow-minded and expect people to think broadly with you, right?

"Why won't people love me for what I am?" Are you sure they don't love you? Are you really being YOURSELF in all given circumstances? Or are you trying to live the best of both worlds?


Humans are so full of drama, whether we like it or not. I know that God made us from His likeness but somehow, we overrode that. We go beyond what God wants us to be and sometimes, all for the worse. We were born imperfect and we will die imperfect, that's how we are wired.  But that doesn't mean we should REMAIN imperfect. We have to at least MODIFY or IMPROVE who we are to be BETTER and not just plain IMPERFECT. 
**DISCLAIMER: I have re-read my note and I somehow feel the anger through my words. Ha-ha. Did you feel it, too? Ha-ha. Random thoughts, argh. I just can't help but vent out via blogs. I just can't seem to find the right words. I hope I somehow made sense. If any has taken offense, I apologize. I am not being self-righteous, I have too many flaws, myself. Just had to rat this out. Goodnight, people. Til the next Dare to Read. ;)]**

Please feel free to comment. Would always be taken constructively by me. ;p

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