07 June 2012

The Ugly Truth: On Friendships

Never waste your time with people who spend more time judging you than actually letting you be. Friends can be misleading, you must be very careful. There will always be tests of friendships from time to time; you have to be very attentive to the real lesson for each problem you might encounter. 
Your friends might be the best company in this world but at one point or another, you’d be surprised that they are also the same people who will make you feel like you’re the worst human alive. When that time comes, you wouldn’t even know what actually hit you.
As I’ve mentioned in the first part, tests of friendships are inevitable. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been friends, the tests are just the gigs and you just have to deal with them. BUT! One can only take so much.
If you have a friend that has been putting you down consistently, and then forgetting all about it, then doing it again, you SHOULD rethink your relationship.
I have learned the hard way that YOU could actually ‘un-friend’ someone. As ugly as the thought of that may be, some people just don’t know how to be a friend in return and you will be left with no better choice than to just walk away from that friendship and be better. 
Some might think that the idea of that might lose the whole point of being A FRIEND, but I say not really. You can only do so much as a friend and if that person keeps on wronging you even after you have changed your strategies so many times just to keep the friendship together, you are left with no better choice. 
You CANNOT stay in a relationship that brings you tears, doubts and disappointments CONSTANTLY. You just CANNOT be in an unhealthy relationship because soon, you too, will be unhealthy and you wouldn’t even be able to recognize your own self. 
You cannot let people drag you down and dampen your spirits just because they can. Always remember that a TRUE FRIEND will not make you feel bad about yourself, especially when you don’t deserve it. A TRUE FRIEND will not lie to your face, talk behind your back again and again, single you out everytime he/she has that chance, and a TRUE FRIEND will not anticipate your failure. 
A TRUE FRIEND will tell you the truth bluntly to make you stronger and better. A TRUE FRIEND will tell you first what’s wrong rather than blabbing it to other people. A TRUE FRIEND will push you to do your best and will help you be a better person. A TRUE FRIEND will not do things to make you down intentionally. A TRUE FRIEND becomes family. 
Just like my favorite line from a song goes, “Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.”
Some things are just not worth fighting for, and that’s a fact. 

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